| | Information about selected commodity and the recommended agriculture practices | Maklumat Komoditi | Maklumat mengenai komoditi dan amalan pertanian yang disyorkan dipilih | CI Public | CI Registered | CI | #3c63ae | Yes |
| | Information about commodity pests and diseases and the recommended control management practices | Maklumat Penyakit & Perosak | Maklumat mengenai komoditi perosak dan penyakit dan amalan pengurusan kawalan disyorkan | PD Public | PD Registered | PD | #e8b63d | Yes |
| | Comprehensive listing, guide and links to information on by commodity | Direktori Pertanian | Senarai komprehensif, panduan dan pautan kepada maklumat oleh komoditi | AD Public | AD Registered | AD | #606060 | Yes |
| | Streamlines and consolidates approved agriculture learning programmes by MOA agencies, other Govt agencies & private | Kalendar Latihan | Arus dan menggabungkan pertanian pembelajaran pengaturcara diluluskan oleh agensi MOA, agensi-agensi kerajaan lain & swasta | TC Public | TC Registered | TC | #429fa8 | Yes |
| | Video on selected commodity, recommended best farm practices, new technologies, and prospects of agriculture sector | Video | Video atas komoditi terpilih, disyorkan amalan ladang terbaik teknologi baru, dan prospek sektor pertanian | Video Public | Video Registered | Video | #f7921e | Yes |
| | Commodity calendar details | Kalendar Komoditi | Komoditi Kalendar Butiran | CC Public | CC Registered | CC | #99dc99 | Yes |
| | Guidelines and planning tools for farmer to estimate the financial cost of the farming activities | Kalkulator Aliran Tunai | Garis Panduan dan alat perancangan untuk petani untuk menganggarkan kos kewangan aktiviti pertanian | CFC Public | CFC Registered | CFC | #b3b3b2 | Yes |
| | Information an knowldge ralating to market information of selected commodity | Maklumat Pasaran | Maklumat dan pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan maklumat pasaran komoditi dipilih | MI Public | MI Registered | MI | #d94a5e | Yes |
| | Data collection and storage for farming activities | Rekod Ladang | Pengumpulan data pertanian | FR Public | FR Registered | FR | #57aa55 | Yes |
| | Tool to collect, save and manage current weather information from Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia (JMM) | Maklumat Cuaca | Alat untuk mengumpul, menyimpan dan mengurus maklumat cuaca semasa dari Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia (JMM) | WI Public | WI Registered | WI | #70d4e9 | Yes |